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Ready to Ditch Diets Forever
and Have Fun this Fall,
While releasing weight naturally?

Do you feel like you eat healthy and have tried lots of diets out there but still struggle to lose weight & actually keep it off?

Or do you feel like you’re having trouble getting the weight loss started?

And maybe you feel like the only way to lose weight is to follow a restrictive diet that leaves you feeling deprived?  


Which leaves you believing that you either have to live with the extra weight or you have to feel deprived all the time...


I want you to know there’s an easier way...


It is possible to release weight and keep it off, without feeling deprived or hungry.


  • Releasing excess weight without having to try very hard

  • Feeling freedom with food as you finally eat in a way that nourishes you… rather than feeling deprived and hungry

  • Falling in love with the way your body looks and feels

  • And getting off the diet roller coaster

Lifting Weights

Which means...

  • Spend more time enjoying your life and less time stressing about food and your body

  • Be able to wear clothes you love that you feel great in

  • Feel more confident at work, home, and socially

  • Move with ease and enjoy more physical activity

  • Feel more alive, energetic, and productive

Happy Diners

Hey There!

I'm Audrina Denise. I am a Wellness coach & Founder of Naturalista Life. For years I suffered from chronic migraines, GERD, and walked proudly with unhealthy weight. I spent a lot of time at the chronic complaining and wanting some relief. My doctor simply prescribed my drugs without any explanation as to why I was suffering. 


Things got worse when I was in a car accident back in 2013. I was lucky to walk away without a scratch, but then the pain set in. Before long, I was talking pain meds to function. I was an active person, so I simply grab my meds and kept going. It was no way to live.


Finally, I wanted to get rid of my ailments and simply suppressed them. It was then that my journey to wellness began. Since then, I have helped others ditch the unhealthy habits and diets in order to achieve some of their health goals. 


I no longer suffer from chronic headaches. GERD is not an issue anymore. I have healthy weight and I have more energy than I did ten years ago.


I made it my life’s work to study the real science about food and nutrition and learn why I was struggling for so many years - and I learned how to heal my metabolism and my body.


 I finally felt freedom with food and my body, and I  learned how to eat and take care of myself that felt nurturing, rather than punishment.


Which led me to some pretty incredible results….


Better health doesn't have to be Painful.

There are effective and healthy ways to lose weight and keep it off.  Once you learn to fire up your metabolism, it will work optimally to burn fat, while decreasing your cravings.


21 Detox 

Healthy Green Smoothies

I’m offering this simple cleanse to help you revolutionize the way you think about food, and reshape your body from the inside out!

I bet I know what you’re thinking… how is this different from all the other diets out there?


I have good news for you… this isn’t a DIET!


I want to show you how to throw out the fad diets that plague our society and teach you a simple system that really WORKS. 

Green Juice

Diet vs. Cleanse

In a diet, you find yourself trying to count every calorie you eat, which understandably causes you to become frustrated and give up. At the end of the day, you find yourself hungry and lethargic.


This  program isn’t about starving your body, fasting, juicing, eating strange food combinations, or taking lots of supplements.

It’s about learning how to use delicious foods as fuel for your best body.


Do you know one of the most common causes of weight loss resistance?

The answer is hidden food sensitivities. Unlike food allergies, food sensitivities often go undiagnosed because they often don’t produce a clear and immediate reaction.


When you eat foods your body is sensitive to, it creates inflammation in your body.


Inflammation = Weight Gain

“If you don’t address inflammation by eliminating hidden food allergens or sensitivities and by eating an anti-inflammatory diet, you will never succeed at effective and permanent weight loss.”

– Dr. Mark Hyman

In this cleanse you will identify hidden food sensitivities.

In this program we’ll explore what foods work best (and which don’t) to give you optimum energy, kickstart changes in your body, and reduce your waistline.
This cleanse will also help remove toxins from your body. Toxins are stored in fat cells. The more toxins stored in your body, the more fat your body needs to hold on to. Once you remove the toxins, your body will be able to release excess weight.
I will take you step-by-step through a simple cleanse that will make a huge difference in how you feel and look – in just 7 days!

Healthy Woman

The group detox starts on

December 1st



“I replaced diet foods with more delicious, nutrient dense foods, and my cravings and mindless eating disappeared… and I lost 13 lbs in 12 weeks! ”


"I lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks! This cleanse was so different that the deprivation-based plans I’ve been on in the past. Not only was the food delicious, but I never felt hungry.”


"Following this program I lost 10 lbs while eating MORE! I've bounced from one diet to another over the years and I’ve never had results like this that actually felt like they’d STICK.”

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